Our Origin Story
Bandit Detailing
I am Nicholas Presley, Founder and CEO of Bandit Detailing. I had originally started my journey into cars the mechanic route at Elizabethtown Community and Technical College and quickly learned that it was not for me. During this time frame, I was cleaning my own car. One day my neighbor saw me cleaning my car and asked me to clean his mother-in-law's 2018 Nissan Rogue for $20. I was a poor college student so I said absolutely and got to work. I was blown away by how enjoyable and satisfying it was to clean this car. Through detailing this car and my own, I realized the overall joy I had in cleaning cars. After this, I finally found what I was supposed to do with my life. Due to the military, my family and I moved to Fort Drum, New York where Bandit Detailing was initially formed. It was a massive success up in New York for the year and a half we were there. Due to my grandma developing dementia, our family moved here to Missouri. It didn't take long to get things rolling again and Fall of 2021 Bandit Detailing has begun to set its roots in Jackson, Missouri. While this story is not yet finished and has merely just begun, I am overly excited to meet new people and develop a client base here. When you choose Bandit Detailing, you are not only purchasing a service, you're purchasing a piece in a legacy that is just beginning! Keep scrolling to learn more about the company with our vision and mission statements as well as our core values.

The Name
Bandit Detailing
Over the years I have had many people ask me why in the world I named a detailing company after bandits… and well to be honest with you it has nothing to do with the dictionary definition of “Bandit”. You see back when I was 16 years old I was an avid car enthusiast and had saved up after working 2 full-time jobs to get me a nice car. Now my car of choice was a Mustang. After searching all over the town of Radcliff, KY we had gone to one last dealership. Big M Chevrolet. My mom had suggested that I at least sit in a Camaro to see if I would like them since we were there and had no luck finding any Mustangs in my price range. Well as we all know you listen to your mother and I sat in one and instantly knew that these were NOT the cars for me. It was at this moment when I had thought all hope was lost, that I turned around and seen the front 2 inches of a Mustang tucked away in the corner of the lot. I was overjoyed and ran over to it calling after my mom to come see it. Once I got to the car there it was… the Mustang I had been looking for! It was black with red racing stripes, manual, and a GT. I was in heaven! Thankfully they had left the car unlocked and I had sat in it and instantly knew that this car was going to be my car. The next day we had called the dealership and found out it was in my price range and everything! We went down and finalized everything that Monday. Now at this point the car didn’t have its name yet and we were about to make our move to New York. On the drive to New York I was in charge of clearing traffic in order to allow my mom and dad that were driving the moving trucks to change lanes ensuring we didn’t miss our exit. In this my car and I got nicknamed off of Smokey and the Bandit for how they did it in the movie. From that moment forward my Mustang was named Bandit. Now you may be wondering Nick… what does any of this have to do with your detailing company… and we are getting there I promise. So after this I officially opened Bandit Detailing in New York naming it off of at the time my most prized possession. Now the story doesn’t end here as I had managed to pay Bandit completely off in less than a year using Bandit Detailing and working part time at McDonald’s during the winter. Nearing the end of our 2 year stay in New York my parents had decided to move here to SouthEast Missouri. Now like most young adults I wanted to move out of my parents house and into my own! Now I had found a way to do that which had required me to sell Bandit and use that as a down payment towards my very own house. As sad as it was to sell my baby, I realized that this would be paramount for the success of me and Bandit Detailing. After purchasing the house and property located at 730 W Jackson Blvd it has been my passion and mission to create this detail company into something that no one would imagine it could become! I appreciate all of you that have not only taken the time to read this, but have also purchased ANY of our detailing packages! Bandit Detailing is not some big corporate company but rather a young kid with a dream and a vision. We look forward to serving you at the highest level and thank you for purchasing a piece in our legacy!

Our Mission:
To Build an Empire and Leave a Legacy
The Vision
To become the Best Detailing Company for Generations, by Providing High-Quality Services to Every Valued Client.